A Family-Friendly Church
We are a family friendly church at St. Paul’s, and Christians of all ages are all valued as part of our church family. Here are some of the activities at St. Paul’s of particular interest to families with children and young people.
On the first Sunday of each month we have an all-age family service, where we all meet together to worship. This service takes the form of Holy Communion but is more informal. Our children and young people help lead the worship and prayers in this service.
Candles and Lanterns
Our Sunday School, Candles and Lanterns meets at 9.30am on Sunday. We explore bible stories together, pray, sing and laugh together before joining the Parish Communion about halfway through the service.
Messy Church
A different way of being church, Messy Church explores stories from the Bible using all kinds of messy crafts, we then spend some time worshipping together and sharing a meal. Messy Church takes place on the third Saturday of each month at 10am.
Please note that although Messy Church is not currently meeting in-person, it is still going strong. Families can collect a “Messy Church at Home” takeaway bag and have their own Messy fun in the comfort of their own homes! Keep up-to-date with what’s happening on the Messy Church Facebook page.